Walter Gies Walter Gies

Join Us for The August Workbee!

Mark your calendars for the third weekend of August! August 17-19! Our upcoming Workbee is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow members and show some love to our cherished park.

Why Attend?

Community Building: Meet and bond with other co-op members.

Park Care: Contribute to the upkeep and beautification of our beloved land.

Inspiration: Check out the Workbee section on our website for examples of past accomplishments. and future projects.

Here is a highlight from the July Workbee: Cabin 1 got a brand-new deck installed!

We hope to see you in a few weeks, ready to work!

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Walter Gies Walter Gies

95th Annual Midsummer Celebration

Saturday-Sunday, June 22-23, 2024
3827 Mesaba Park Road, near County Road 5 and Highway 37,  Hibbing
Admission $25/$50 (with meals), includes camping

Midsummer Festival (Juhannus) on June 22 & 23 Join us in commemorating our park's 95th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party. From film screenings to music performances and lively discussions, it promises to be a weekend filled with camaraderie and celebration.

Saturday at 1 PM, immerse yourself in history with a showing of the 1977 film about John T Bernard, "A Common Man's Courage," followed by a captivating introduction by director John de Graff. Later, revel in the joyous atmosphere with a maypole dance led by Terrence Smith, a performance by musician Emmett Doyle, and the soulful melodies of the Lindula Brothers. Music will be followed by a bonfire in a setting of pristine natural beauty on North Star Lake.

Sunday at 10:30AM marks our Mesaba Park annual meeting, followed by a Mojakka lunch.

In the afternoon, hosted by the Farmer Labor Education Committee (FLEC), join us in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party with a screening of the documentary The Farmer-Labor Movement: A Minnesota Story.

Expect all the traditions of Midsummer, including good food, cooperation, and lots of community fun and fellowship.


The most official schedule, subject to change of course.

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Walter Gies Walter Gies

Annual Assessments- a note from our beloved Treasurer- Sinikka

Dear Members,

The International Cooperative Alliance defines a Cooperative as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise” based on values of “self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.” These are among the ideas upon which Mesaba Co-op Park was founded. It was intended as a place to build community; how lucky we all are to be a part of that community today. It is inspiring to look at our list of achievements and realize that we are all a part of realizing those goals, whether it was by laboring at workbees, working with a committee, or contributing to the building fund.

One of the key principles of a Cooperative is “Member Economic Participation,” in which the members “contribute equitably to the capital of their cooperative.” At Mesaba Park, this is achieved through our annual assessments and the accompanying donations from our members. Assessments and donations combined make up 40-60% of our revenue in a year. We could not survive without them. In keeping with the principle of equity, we set the minimum assessment at only $25.00 and ask members to self-apply the idea of a sliding scale and give more if they are able. Many members set their assessment at $50, $100, or even $200. We also ask that members contribute to our building fund, which allows us to maintain our current structures (such as the pavilion preservation), and to plan for additional structures (such as a new bathroom facility) to fit our needs going forward.

I am continually amazed at the cooperation and generosity of our members, so thank you for your contributions to our beautiful Mesaba Park. Our membership truly embodies the cooperative spirit.


Sinikka Jacques, Treasurer
On behalf of the Mesaba Park Board of Directors

Payments by mail can be sent to:

Mesaba Co-op Park
PO Box 293
Hibbing, MN 55746

Payments can also be sent to @MesabaCoopPark using Venmo


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Walter Gies Walter Gies

28th Northstar Arts Camp for Children- Arts in the Park 2024  

June 17-20 Offering children aged 8-13 an enriching experience in creativity and expression.

 Featuring indigenous artist Julie Boada, puppeteer and mask maker; Kestra Anderson Watson, potter; and Hibbing High School Theater Director and musician Megan Reynolds, the camp promises a diverse array of artistic experiences.

Music and Maypole dancing will be inspired by Terrence Smith, Oscar Forsman, and Jim Larson. Additional workshops in Chalk Art Stories with Ed Drews, and Yoga Stretches with Angela Schweiberger will be offered as afternoon choices. On Thursday, June 20th, the camp concludes with a Maypole Dance for the community.

Cost of the camp is $90 per camper and includes activities, materials, wholesome lunches, and snacks. Scholarships are available.

Additional funding for the camp has been generously provided by Natural Harvest Food Co-op, the Hibbing Foundation, Lake Country Power’s Operation Round-up, and the Northstar Foundation.

For more information, please contact David Bednarczuk at 218/262-5132.


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Walter Gies Walter Gies

2024 Midsummer Festival June 22nd & 23rd

Midsummer Festival (Juhannus) on June 22 & 23 Join us in commemorating our park's 95th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of the
Minnesota Farmer Labor Party. From film screenings to music performances and lively discussions, it promises to be a weekend filled with camaraderie and celebration.

Saturday at 1 PM, immerse yourself in history with a showing of the 1977 film about John T Bernard, "A Common Man's Courage," followed by a captivating introduction by director John de Graff. Later, revel in the joyous atmosphere with a maypole dance led by Terrence Smith, a performance by musician Emmett Doyle, and the soulful melodies of the Lindula Brothers.

Sunday at 10 AM marks our Mesaba Park annual meeting, followed by a Mojakka lunch. In the afternoon, hosted by the Farmer Labor Education Committee (FLEC), join us in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party with a documentary screening and a thought-provoking discussion.

Expect all the traditions of Midsummer, including good food, cooperation, and lots of community fun and fellowship.


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Walter Gies Walter Gies

2024 Notice of Annual Member Meeting

2024 Annual Membership Meeting Notice

The annual Membership Meeting of the Mesaba Co-op Park Association will be held on
Sunday, June 23, 2024, in the pavilion at 10:30 a.m.


Meeting Agenda
· Registration and roll call

· Proof of notice of meeting

· Election of officers and committees for the meeting

· Reading and disposal of last meeting minutes (2023)

· Reports of officers and committees

· Election of directors for two-year term

· Unfinished business

· New business

· Adjournment


Board of Directors

President: Kristin Garwick (6/25), Vice President: Walter Gies (6/24),
Treasurer: Sinikka Jacques (6/24), Secretary: Lily Anderson (6/25)


Oscar Forsman (6/25), Bruce Foster (6/24), Helen Makela (6/24),
Kim Lapakko (6/25), Josh Ridlen (6/25)


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Walter Gies Walter Gies

Mesaba Coop Park 2024 Season

Dear Mesaba Co-op Park Members,

As the warmth of spring envelops us, we eagerly anticipate another productive season at
Mesaba Co-op Park. Below you will see the summer schedule with the exciting updates and
plans for the 2024 season.

Mesaba Park 2024 Season

May 18-20: Inagural Workbee to usher in the season, a testament to our collective dedication.

June 15-16: Workbee, we nurture our park and bonds alike engaging in community spirit.

June 17-20: Park closure for the Northstar Children’s Arts Camp, where young minds will ignite with creativity and camaraderie.

June 22-23: Midsummer Celebration and Annual Meeting beckons; offering reflection, connection, and the sharing of dreams for our beloved park. $50 Sat & Sun w/meals, $25 w/out.

July 20-21: Workbee, where the fruits of our collective labor will blossom.

July 26-28: Park closure for the Tamarak Dance.

August 3-4: IROMA/Rockbee - a harmonious and diverse blend of music, art, and community.

August 9-10: Park closure for wedding.

August 17-18: Workbee, nurturing our park for generations to come in community stewarship.

August 30 - September 2: Park closure for private reunion.

September 20-21: Workbee, we continue to cultivate and cherish our park as a sanctuary for all.

October 18-20: Final Workbee where we prepare our park for the embrace of winter.


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Kelly Wolf Kelly Wolf

Park Closed for Winter

With the October 21st workbee, the park will be closed until the 3rd weekend of May, when we will re-open for the 2024 season. Email with inquiries.

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Jens Knutson Jens Knutson

2023 Calendar and Rates


  • May 20-21 Workbee, park opens for the season

  • June 17-18 Workbee

  • June 19-22 Park closed for Northstar Children’s Arts Camp

  • June 24-25 Workbee, Annual Meeting 6/25

  • July 15-16 Workbee

  • July 28-30 Park closed

  • August 4-5 IROMA Rockbee

  • August 11-12 Park closed

  • August 13th Pickup Truck Opera

  • August 18-20 Workbee

  • September 1-4 Park closed

  • September 15-17 Workbee

  • October 21-22 Workbee, park closes for the season

Daily Rates

  • Cabin #1 $60

  • Cabin #2 $60

  • Cabin #3 $50

  • Cabin #5 $65

  • Yurt $65

  • RV 220V sites $50

  • Camper 110V sites $35

  • Tent camping $20

  • Whole park rental $2000

  • Dance Hall $350

  • Dining Room $150

  • Kitchen $500

Rates are per day.

Rentals to members & member-sponsored only. (member-sponsored means member either on-site, or available on phone). Hourly/partial rentals of Pavilion and discounted rates possible.

Camping free on workbees.

Park is open to the public for walk-in day use. $5 suggested donation.

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